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The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will be useful in all things  

Miyamoto Musashi, c1645


CMD is perhaps best known for its signature boxing defence, however this is only a small part of the overall functional modern martial arts curriculum.  Each element, technique, strategy and tactic builds upon the others within a core framework.  CMD addresses each range of a stand-up confrontation and uses a systematic methodology to improve skill and conditioning incrementally and accessibly for all.  


Performance and safety

Whilst CMD is a performance-based programme where skills are progressively applied in real-time against fully resisting opponents, there is an absolute zero-tolerance policy towards aggressive, intimidating or unsafe actions or behaviour. 


In this way we hope to prove to you that real, functional martial arts skills can be achieved by anyone.  As founder Rodney King states, we strive for - 

"Performance without ego, challenge without competition"

You will work with your trainer or fellow client, through padwork and glove-to-glove drills, to practice and develop the core skills of the programme. We aim to get you moving quickly and build your confidence and skills rapidly - however progress is entirely dictated by you.  As your range of skills, confidence and conditioning improve, you will then integrate your new skills into your overall boxing and kickboxing game through directed and finally free/performance sparring.

Monkey jits

Monkey jits (MJ) is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program that, in addition to free-practice ('rolling') also emphasises the development of ground skills that will translate to self-preservation.   Training therefore includes learning to apply ground skills against aggressive striking opponents and, later in the players development, their own use of both grappling and striking. 

Performance through Play

In addition to its focus in self-preservation, MJ equally emphasises the fun aspect of training or 'challenging play'.  Free rolling is encouraged and undertaken in each MJ practice, however each player's focus is not on winning an individual match, or beating or submitting an opponent, rather it will be on the bettering one's last performance and the pursuit of efficiency, flow and mindfulness. Ultimately, the aim is for these psychological skills to transition beyond the mat and into the player's wider life.

Free rolling and drilling of various kinds also acts as a way to develop and maintain the attributes (such as timing, conditioning, and mental tenacity) which are needed to effectively apply grappling skills in self-preservation.

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Please contact us for information on our specialist self-preservation programmes.

Weaponise Your Body & EDGE
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